We are all connected

Every morning, I wake up and my house is surrounded with hummingbirds.  Howler monkeys urge me to wake up. Unseen birds sing their joy to the morning.  All of this is completely uncapturable by my camera.  We have been commenting today how we are so used to the jungle sounds, we almost forget to be amazed!

Our practice today started with a group reiki healing and guided meditation followed by yoga led by Nancy M. We deepened our connection to ourselves and deepened our understanding of our connection to all that is.   Our morning gathering included connection time with each other as we shared what we wanted to about our experiences thus far. Nancy Sinchak then led us in a guided meditation after which we all chose a spot in the sanctuary to sit for a while alone in the jungle, which sounds scary but it's not. There is nothing in the sanctuary which is dangerous.  When we returned, Nancy led us on a journey connecting us with a sacred inner garden. While all we did was sit around all morning, we felt exhausted as it is quite hot here during the day! The sanctuary's founder, Naga, came and led us on a tour of the grounds, explaining how he planted the various plants and identifying the plants for us. He intentionally planted the grounds to provide a welcome sanctuary for local wildlife and this has certainly been effective! Today we saw many different birds and animals, but were particularly visited by capuchin monkeys. Many times. 

Lunch was delicious as always, and we all really enjoyed some r&r after lunch. Some of us stayed at the pool, some went to a waterfall, some received body work. Yum.  

Our afternoon practice today was led by Liz, who is the resident yoga teacher, guide and host. She led us in a beautiful and transformational movement practice turning us once again into jungle deities!!! Fun and opening to say the least. 

After another yummy soup dinner, we gathered around the pool and chanted ohm and gazed at the amazing stars. 

We hope you can feel our love and how we are all connected. ❤ 

Copyright 2019 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions and also retreats and transformational journeys.