
I am fortunate enough to have a beautiful seasonal cottage in southern Maine.  This little spot is my refuge and a place of pure joy for me.  Every year around now, we have to close the house for the winter, and this task usually brings me a bit of sadness, as it is a clear marker of the passage of time and I generally do not look forward to winter.

This year, however, I decided to approach the task and the time with joy.  Looking through my home journal, I was reminded of the days spent there over the course of the summer - trips to the beach, the farmer's market, Portland, Freeport, visits with friends and family, taking yoga classes, eating ice cream and more beach. 

And now, the fall - a laundry list of other kinds of experiences: the beauty of the fall leaves, the mums, the pumpkins, fall family gatherings.  After the fall, the winter, which, while cold, brings its own beauty and delight. 

Rather than dwell on the past and what might be lost, I am choosing to focus on the present beauty and also the promise of the future. 

How would it be for you to start each day with that reset -- looking for the day's gifts and anticipating with joy whatever the future might bring.


Copyright 2017 Nancy C Murray